KK Group of Companies announces Brand Ambassador

KK Group of Companies proudly announces the official appointment of KK Brand Ambassador, Shuib Sepahtu. Shahmira bin Muhamad a.k.a his commercial name Shuib Sepahtu, Champion of ‘Maharaja Lawak’ year 2011 & 2013, a successful Hot FM DJ as well as an iconic image due to his funny, hilarious performance throughout the nation. Now Shuib Sepahtu had joined KK Group of Companies as KK Brand Ambassador. As a family man cum celebrity, Shuib Sepahtu fits perfectly with the core vision of KK Group of Companies which are to provide a line of products and services to families. Shuib was giving a heartfelt speech about being appointed as KK Brand Ambassador. From the left: Steven Lee Teng Sun (Senior Manager Business Operation Control), YBhg Datuk Seri Dr. KK Chai (Founder & Group Executive Chairman), Shuib Sepahtu (KK Brand Ambassador) and Tee Kok Hiem (KK Group General Manager). The appointment of Shuib Sepahtu as KK Brand Ambassador will help strengthen the brand...