Berjaya Sompo's Environmental, social, and corporate governance with The Good Policy

Berjaya Sompo has introduced "The Good Policy" campaign to promote a brighter future for Malaysia. This initiative is driven by the company's vision, "We Are Here With You," and its mission, "Insurance Made Easy For You." The campaign aims to inspire positive change by encouraging individuals to be more conscious of the impact of their actions on the planet and society. Berjaya Sompo's windscreen repair roadshow raised awareness of the environmental issues of windscreen waste and promoted the benefits of windscreen repair. At its core, "The Good Policy" underscores Berjaya Sompo's dedication to safeguarding its customers and the future of Malaysia. The company is committed to addressing challenges through various innovative activities and partnerships, with a particular focus on environmental, social, and governance (ESG) initiatives. Their mission is to harmonize profitability with meaningful contributions to society and the envi...