Tic Tac Malaysia X Mobile Legends: Refresh, Recharge, and Celebrate the Little Wins

Staying true to its fun and creative spirit, Tic Tac is partnering with one of the most popular mobile games in Malaysia – Mobile Legends. With the evolution of Malaysians’ entertainment habits, gaming is a great forum for young adults to have little escapes from a busy day and form a sense of community. Given Tic Tac’s role in offering little escapes of its own and bringing people together with its iconic sharing packs, Mobile Legends is an ideal partner for the brand. Tic Tac Malaysia is launching the ‘Refresh and Recharge’ campaign to inspire gamers to refresh and celebrate 'little wins' in the game, thus escaping online negativity and reconnecting with their gentle side. Today, a virtual Refresh & Recharge (R&R) Night was streamed live on Tic Tac Malaysia's Facebook page, with two of Malaysia's top Mobile Legends players, Thanuk Pri Cha (Nukk) and Syafiq Faizin (Zynn), as well as lifestyle influencer Muhammad Syah Fitri, (Syahfit). The trio exchanged excl...