Ice cream tic tac toe Challenge at Inside Scoop

Happy 6th Birthday Inside Scoop! π Prepare to scream for ice cream! Check out the bee line here. βππ Ice cream 7pm onwards at these Inside Scoop Venues on selected dates. More details on Inside Scoop's 6th Anniversary Happenings here. In conjunction with Inside Scoop's Birthday (in store contest), I was selected to be a part of their Ice cream Tic Tac Toe Challenge. I was given only a few hours to form my squad and I had to get back to them on the very same day to confirm my team of 3. I didn't want to miss this opportunity and shared on my contest community seeking team members. I wanted my contest loving kakis to be a part of this and join in the fun with me too. Finally one of my online kawan from the contest community responded. Sarah Razak I was super glad that you were a part of the team and you responded really fast! That enabled me to hunt for just one more team player. After waited for more than 2 hours I could not find another ...