Birthday Freebies

Yay! Yay! August is coming pretty soon. It's my month of KIASU-NESS. August is a very busy month for me to plan out all my FREEBIES in time for my birthday. Did I say FREE? Yes, I did! And here's a compilation list of all my freebies that I usually enjoy during my birthday month. Is your birthday coming up too? Let's take a look and enjoy all the perks. Here's my checklist. Some perks are valid only on your actual birthday date and some are valid for your birthday month. Birthday Freebies - Movies, Coffee, Juices, Karaoke, Hair Pampering and more.... GSC For GSC members, your will be entitled for 2 FREE movie tickets (movie of your choice) on your birthday month. Only applicable for movies with * (not the very new shows). Just sign up as a member at and p rint your GSC Birthday Voucher here TERMS and CONDITIONS: » Exclusive for GSC website members only. » This Birthday Treat Coupon entitles the GSC website member to ONLY two (2) FREE...