My First Cosplay Experience at CICAF 2015

Hello! I am super excited to share with you my very first Cosplay experience at CICAF organized by Sawachi Entertainment I took loads of pictures at the event. Can't resist because there were so many wonderful and colourful characters. Loved the ones with the colourful wigs. The cosplayers really put in a lot of effort in their costumes and I truly admire them. I was playing dress up as Ai Enma (閻魔 あい) of Jigoku Shoujo or better known as Hellgirl. May not look completely like her as my look was simplified and not enough props. I'm missing the blood red eyes, tiered long hair and eye enhancements in my make up. Just made do with what I have. So here you go, this is my interpretation of her. What inspired me to dress this way. Well, I was suppose to sing this song, KARINUI for the anime singing competition but only found out about the competition 2 days before and there seems to be an overwhelming response. I ...