My Recording Experience with Carefree

Thanks to PINK DAISY I was able to make one of my ultimate dream come true. That is to own my very own piece of composed song and not sing covers all the time. I jumped at the opportunity when I came across this contest that offered me a chance to do just that! When I shared with my friends the prize options, many said that they would have flown the Cesna plane. But I chose do the recording anyway. It was something that I really wanted to do for the longest time. Thank you PINK DAISY for realizing my dream. This was the moment when I saw them announced me as one of their winners. I was thrilled. Could not sleep till recording day! So egg-cited. The people at PINK DAISY were so kind to allow me to share this great experience with a friend. So, I invited Ryeniko, one of my band members to join in the fun. She helped me enhance the song and she is a great harmonizer. You can hear her do the harmonizing in my song. Thanks so much Ryenik...